Chris and Jody, your sonic navigators, are thrilled to embark on part one of our two-part series, unveiling the secrets of arranging a song when you’re in the recording studio. In this episode, we’ll guide you through the essential steps of preparing for a recording session. From knowing the song inside and out to setting […]
It’s time once again to find out what Chris & Jody have discovered that they think you should know about to improve your recordings. This week, we’ve picked great stuff from: A1Audio and One Control.
In this tip we talk about a mix using 5 guitars layered together.
Welcome one more time, fellow sonic guitar architects! Chris and Jody extend a grand finale invitation to part four of our layered guitar symphony series, where we plunge into the captivating world of effects and the intricate dance of EQ and compression when mixing layered guitars. In this episode, we’ll guide you through the art […]