Vocals, vocals, vocals. We mixing engineers always want to make sure we’re getting the proper space for a vocal. In this Tuesday Tip, Jody explains the use of Pre Delay on a lead vocal for a alternative rock song. What to listen for and why he chose what he did for the mix in this […]
Space. Something that almost every recording needs. This episode is a grand overview of the one effect most people jump to as it’s easy to hear what it does… Reverb. Chris and Jody talk about what kinds of reverb there are, and what they might use it for. Stay to the end to find out […]
Chris and Jody explore why they use mix templates. What they put into them and why they create them. All in a day’s work for why you should consider making them for yourself and put them to good use. It’s also not unlikely that there will also be some nonsense discussed.
Chris and Jody get into the nuts and bolts of the PulTec EQs. The history, the options, the use, and the revival. There’s a lot to digest in this, strap in and get ready for a ride. And, besides Chris’ several slips of the tongue, the name is an abbreviation of Pulse Techniques, […]