Chris and Jody do a mini dive into the world of sample rates and what they mean. What exactly is a sample rate? Why we choose certain sample rates. Should you upsample after recording at a lower sample rate? A short history of how digital gear got better with sample rates over time. How did […]
Today’s Tuesday Tip showcases DI Guitar recording with plugging directly into your audio interface. Followed with how to build a guitar amp setup in your DAW using more than a singular all-in-one plugin. Two examples given, one for a clean guitar tone and another for a more complex distorted guitar tone. Shoutout to: Redwirez, Line […]
Chris and Jody tackle the concept of recording Guitar using Direct Input techniques. Generally reserved for electric guitar, but can also be used for acoustic guitar if it’s equipped with pickups. They talk about the different methods of DI that you can use. Plus the how’s and why’s of doing DI type recording. It’s also […]
Ah, compression. That lovely, magical, mystical thing that supposedly can fix things in the mix. Chris and Jody tackle what is compression. What are the common components and what do they do to the sound. That is the 1000 foot aerial view of compression and the backbone of this particular episode. Also, Friday Finds is […]