Part 2 of Chris and Jody sitting down for a chat with guitarist producer extraordinaire, Steve Ouimette. Chances are you’ve heard his handiwork in video game soundtracks or via TV shows. We go in-depth with his cover songs, composing and journey thru the music industry and some of the people he’s worked with. It’s also […]
Chris and Jody sit down for a chat with guitarist producer extraordinaire, Steve Ouimette. Chances are you’ve heard his handiwork in video game soundtracks or via TV shows. We go in-depth with his beginnings and journey thru the music industry and how he got his start and some of the people he’s worked with.
Chris and Jody talk about pan laws and how to deal with them. What are pan laws and why do we even need to think about them? Do we need to think about them? Explaining the different versions of pans laws and how to choose which one to use. Find out what our Friday Finds […]
Chris and Jody talk about the psychology of collecting gear. Whether it’s hardware or plugins, why are you collecting these items and does it help your ability to create. Extra guitars, check. Extra compressors, check. The latest and greatest orchestral samples and do you need them. Does having too much gear become an endless search […]