Chris and Jody crawl thru the weeds of mix templates. Discussing the concepts of creating them. What would go in them. Why should we have them? Do they provide benefits? And what separates the mix template from one mix engineer to another. Can you get multiple mix outputs from a single mix template? Let’s get […]
Chris and Jody recap on the interim NAMM Show from April 2023. Find out what we saw. The good, the bad, the mind-blowing items that caught our attention and what we thought. What are our theories about NAMM, the timing and it’s future. There’s all that and more in this episode.
Chris and Jody go thru a simple little checklist for troubleshooting mics. What to do when a mic is suddenly not doing what a mic does best. Especially if there’s bizarre noises or no noise what-so-ever. There’s even a personal embarrassing story about a mic sounding bad and the reason why that is so obvious […]
Chris and Jody get down to the nitty gritty basement of low end. Talking about how to manage low end and get a handle on it. From the scientific things about your room and setup on to the creative end of things. Including monitors, software and bass specific plugins that can help. Let’s get low! […]