Chris and Jody get their hands on the Hyperswitch from Seymour Duncan. This is a rig rundown of what the Hyperswitch is, what it can do and how hard it is to install in your guitar. The world of multiple humbucker pickups in guitars with 5-way switches will never be the same. The Hyperswitch comes […]
Chris and Jody extrapolate from last week’s listener request and talk about the concept of switching DAWs. Is it a good idea to switch to another DAW? What are things to consider? What DAW should you choose? What are the pros and cons to some DAWs and why does it matter? What DAWs do we […]
Chris and Jody get busy with a listener request to talk about when it’s time to upgrade your audio interface. Get ready to feast on the dos and don’ts of when it’s time to go for that little something or maybe even that super something better in order to improve your audio recordings.
Chris and Jody lay it on the line, the EQ and Compression line of when to use EQ before or after Compression. The straight dope about the how’s and why’s of EQ before Compression and EQ after compression. Also giving some real world examples of when we would use EQ and Compression plus in which […]